Do you operate a sand pit, gravel pit, quarry or small mine?

Small mines
An information session for small mine operators in Geraldton to learn more about the requirements of mine safety legislation.

Event Details

Date Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Time Registration starts at 8.00 am
Venue Ocean Centre Hotel
Location Cnr Foreshore Drive and Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton
Cost Free

Contact details

Main contact

Who should attend?

If you operate or are planning on operating a sand pit, gravel pit quarry or small mine.

What is it about?

This free session will cover:

  • risk management of your operation
  • how to register and submit information through DMP’s Safety Regulation System (SRS)
  • how to keep your workforce safe from harm.

It is also an opportunity to ask questions, get guidance and meet with local mines inspectors.

Time Topic
8.00 am Registration
8.30 am Introduction
9.00 am Risk assessment basics
9.30 am

Safety management systems

10.00 am Questions and answers
10.30 am Morning tea
11.00 am Safety Regulations System (SRS)
12.20 pm Closing comments
12.30 pm Close


For those who seek additional assistance with SRS, please bring your laptop as there will be a chance from 1pm to 3pm to work with the SRS trainer and inspectors.

Registration details

  • Although there is no registration fee, pre-registration is required to reserve a place.
  • Registration must be completed by emailing indicating your name, company, contact details and any special requirements (e.g. dietary or other).
  • Early registration is recommended. Late registrations (i.e. less than one week before the event) are subject to availability and a place is not guaranteed.
  • If you register and subsequently are not able to attend, please advise us as soon as possible at
  • Morning tea will be provided