Diamonds Down Under: Seeking Western Australia’s Treasure (StoryMap)

An updated overview of diamond exploration and its potential in Western Australia
Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023

Diamonds Down Under: Seeking Western Australia’s Treasure is a StoryMap published by the Geological Survey of Western Australia.

Original text from Chapter 2, in Mineral Resources Bulletin 25 Gemstones of Western Australia (second edition), has been updated and transformed into an online interactive platform.

This new product incorporates interactive prospectivity maps and videos, and includes the following information:

  • History of diamonds and some special examples
  • How the hardest natural material on Earth forms
  • Characteristics and physical properties
  • Exploration and types of deposits
  • Special Western Australian discoveries e.g. Argyle and Ellendale diamond mines
  • Future of the industry.

This immersive experience will appeal to amateur geologists, gemmologists and anyone interested in this prized gem.