Donnybrook shafts



The Donnybrook project is located 2km south of Donnybrook in State Forest within the Gnaala Karla Booja Indigenous Land Use Agreement area.

The Donnybrook region was mined for gold between 1897 and 1903 leaving a significant number of historical mine workings. The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) reported the workings to the DEMIRS Abandoned Mines team expressing concerns for DBCA personnel and public safety in 2018.

The Donnybrook Shafts project was the first mine shaft rehabilitation to be undertaken by the Abandoned Mines Program. Rehabilitation was limited to those high-risk shafts within the forest block due to limited Mining Rehabilitation Fund interest funds, Final geotechnical monitoring in 2023 indicated no unexpected behaviour of rehabilitation works successfully concluding the project.

A full summary of the project can be found in the 2022-23 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Yearly Report.

Strategic objectives

  1. To minimise significant safety risks associated with historic shaft features within Argyle Forest Block.
  2. To develop a methodology/process for implementing shaft remediation projects across the State.

Donnybrook Shafts

Program implementation framework

Desktop assessment Investigation Planning Implementation Monitoring

Preliminary stakeholder engagement May 2018 (C)

Initial site inspection by Abandoned Mines Program April 2019 (C) Phytophthora Management Hygiene Plan January 2021 (C) Declaration of abandoned mine site February 2022 (C) Geotechnical monitoring of rehabilitated shafts for stability commenced November 2022 (C)
Initial site risk assessment May 2019 (C)

Feature survey September 2019 (C)

Geotechnical assessment and rehabilitation options report May 2021 (C)

Warning signage installed July 2022 (C)

Geotechnical monitoring of rehabilitated shafts for stability completed November 2023 (C)

Preliminary project plan May 2019 (C)

Heritage assessment Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage/Heritage council March 2020 (C)


Rehabilitation earthworks December 2022 (C)

Revocation of declaration of abandoned mine site 2024 (P)

Engagement with broader stakeholders November/December 2019 (C)

Flora and vegetation survey November 2020 (C)

  Phytophthora Dieback Assessment January 2021 (C)      

Geotechnical investigation April 2022 (C)


Schedule: Completed (C); Underway (U); Planned (P) 

