Mining - Audit guides 1
- Electrical arc flash hazard awareness - audit template
- Electrical arc flash hazard awareness - audit guide
- Mentally healthy workplaces audit tool - template
- Mentally healthy workplaces audit – technical guide
- Emergency management - audit template
- Emergency management - audit guide
- Mine survey - audit guide
- Mine survey - audit template
- Isolation of hazardous energies - audit guide
- Isolation of hazardous energies - audit template
- Management of mobile equipment maintenance – audit template
- Mining operations and mobile equipment selection - audit guide
- Mining operations and mobile equipment selection – audit template
- Noise – audit template
- Safety and health representatives - audit guide
- Safety and health representatives - audit template
- Surface and underground operations with site deliveries – audit guide
- Surface and underground operations with site deliveries – audit template
- Underground ventilation management – audit guide
- Underground ventilation management – audit template
- Village: Electrical – audit guide
- Village: Electrical – audit template
- Village: Infrastructure – audit guide
- Village: Infrastructure – audit template
- Village: Mechanical – audit guide
- Village: Mechanical – audit template
- Village: Occupational health and safety (OHS) – audit guide
- Village: Occupational health and safety (OHS) – audit template
- Workshops – audit guide
- Workshops – audit template
Mining - Audit guides
- Confined space - audit template
- Confined space - audit guide
- Classified plant management – audit guide
- Classified plant management – audit template
- Development of high heading underground – audit guide
- Development of high heading underground – audit template
- Electrical safety – audit guide
- Electrical safety – audit template
- Fixed plant – audit guide
- Fixed plant – audit template
- Geotechnical considerations open pit – audit guide
- Geotechnical considerations open pit – audit template
- Geotechnical considerations underground – audit guide
- Geotechnical considerations underground – audit template
- Gold room – audit guide
- Gold room – audit template
- Management systems – audit guide
- Management systems – audit template
- Management systems for small mines – audit guide
- Management systems for small mines – audit template
- Manual tasks – audit guide
- Manual tasks – audit template
- Mineral exploration management systems – audit guide
- Mineral exploration management systems – audit template
- Mineral exploration site operations – audit guide
- Mineral exploration site operations – audit template
- Mineral exploration drilling and other field activities – audit guide
- Mineral exploration drilling and other field activities – audit template
- Management of mobile equipment maintenance – audit guide
- Mentally healthy workplaces audit - technical guide
- Mentally healthy workplaces audit tool - template
- Quarry systems – audit guide
- Quarry systems – audit template
- Surface atmospheric contaminant management – audit guide
- Surface atmospheric contaminant management – audit template
- Surface dust management – audit guide
- Surface dust management – audit template
- Tailings dam – audit guide
- Tailings dam – audit template
- Tipping and dumping – audit guide
- Tipping and dumping – audit template
- Traffic management – audit guide
- Traffic management – audit template
- Underground fire prevention – audit guide
- Underground fire prevention – audit template
- Underground mine fill – audit guide
- Underground mine fill – audit template
Mining - Booklets and handbooks
- Gender and safety in mining - workshop planner series
- Information for bereaved families following a mining fatality - booklet
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Foreword
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 1
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 2
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 3
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 4
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 5
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 6
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 7
- Minerals industry safety handbook - Part 8
- Presenter’s guide
- Principles of adult learning
- PowerPoint presentation
- References and sources of further information
- Safety and health representatives handbook
- Tips for workshop presenters
- Workshop Plan
- Workshop resources
Mining - Certificate of competency fact sheets
Mining - Codes of practice
- Mines survey - code of practice
- Ground control for Western Australian mining operations
- Mentally healthy workplaces for fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers in the resources and construction sectors – code of practice
- Emergency management for Western Australian mines - code of practice
- Mineral exploration drilling - code of practice
- Prevention and control of Legionnaires’ disease - code of practice
- Safe mobile autonomous mining in Western Australia - code of practice
- Surface rock support for underground mine - code of practice
- Tailing storage facilities in Western Australia - code of practice
- Working hours - code of practice
- Working hours risk management guidelines - code of practice
Mining - Forms
- Request for mining operation to be regarded as separate mines
- Application for agreement to operate an underground operation without appointing an underground manager - application form
- Application for agreement to operate a quarry operation without appointing a quarry manager - application form
- Appointment of Classified Plant Inspector - template
- Appointment of noise officer
- Approval as a noise officer - application form
- Approval to use or repair a dredge
- Copy of a certificate - application form
- Documents required to apply for bridge and gantry crane registration - pro forma
- Exploration operation notification form
- Hygiene sampler registration form
- Notification of a noise report
- Notification of abandonment of mining operation - template
- Notification of appointment of personnel involved in management of exploration activities - template
- Notification of appointment of Registered Manager as Exploration Manager - template
- Notification of commencement of mining operation - template
- Notification of high voltage installation - pro forma
- Notification of nomination for appointment of radiation safety officer
- Notification of Principal Employer - template
- Notification of recommencement of mining operation - template
- Notification of suspension of mining operation - template
- Occupational hygiene sample exceedance notification
- Onshore petroleum occurrence report - form
- Offshore petroleum monthly status report form
- Onshore petroleum monthly status report form
- Provisional improvement notice (PIN) for use by safety and health reps - pro forma
- Registration of classified plant (all types) - pro forma
- Reporting alleged bullying at a mining workplace - pro forma
- Referral of prohibition notice for review - form
- Request for access to mine plans - application form
- Request for Registered Manager (or Alternate or Deputy) to be responsible for more than one mine operation to be regarded as separate mines
Mining - General exemption and Certificate of competency
- Restricted quarry manager’s certificate of competency - fact sheet
- General exemption: Pressure vessels categorised as hazard level D or E [6.33(c)]
- General exemption: Opacity of exhaust emission [r.10.55]
- General exemption: Notice of registration process of diesel unit used underground [r.10.50, 10.51(1), (2), (3), (4)(c) and 10.57(1)]
- General exemption: Earth leakage protection device [r.5.24(1)(b)]
- General exemption: Cables installed in the ground - steel wire armouring and corrugated steel sheathing [r.5.31(1)(c)(i)]
- General exemption: Cables installed in the ground - orange marker tape [r.5.31(1)(b)]
- General exemption: Approval for a fit person to inspect classified plant [r.6.40(1) and r.6.40(3)]
- General exemption: Registration of certain classified plant [r.6.34(1)]
- General exemption: Submission and certification of mine plans [r.3.53]
Mining - Guidelines
- Health surveillance guidance – Lead (inorganic)
- Health and hygiene management plan - Levy exempt mines template – guide - November 2019
- Alcohol and other drugs at the workplace - guideline
- Dealing with bullying at work - guideline
- Development of an operating manual for tailings storage - guideline
- Diesel transport, storage and refuelling underground - guideline
- Effective safety and health supervision in Western Australian mining operations - guideline
- Emergency preparedness for underground fires in metalliferrous mines - guideline
- Fitness for mine rescue personnel - guideline
- Foam fire suppression systems on mine vehicles - guideline
- Formal consultative processes at the workplace - guideline
- General duty of care in Western Australian mines - guideline
- Geotechnical considerations in open pit mines - guideline
- Geotechnical considerations in underground mines - guideline
- Guide to departmental requirements for the management and closure of tailings storage facilities (TSFs)
- Guide to the preparation of a design report for tailings storage facilities (TSFs)
- Implementing effective programs to manage risks associated with manual tasks - guide
- Isolation of hazardous energies associated with plant in Western Australian mining operations
- Management and prevention of heat stress - guideline
- Management of diesel emissions in Western Australian mining operations - guideline
- Management of fibrous minerals in Western Australian mining operations - guideline
- Management of noise in Western Australian mining operations - guideline
- Managing NORM 3.4 - Monitoring NORM - airborne radioactivity sampling
- Managing NORM 3.5 - Monitoring NORM - measurement of particle size
- Managing NORM 4.1 - Controlling NORM - Dust control strategies - guideline
- Managing NORM 4.2 - Controlling NORM - management of radioactive waste - guideline
- Managing NORM 4.2 Appendix - Controlling NORM management of radioactive waste - Guidance of NORM Blending
- Managing NORM 4.3 - Controlling NORM - transport of NORM - guideline
- Managing NORM 7 - BOSWELL - assessment and reporting database - guideline
- Managing NORM 6 - Reporting requirements - guideline
- Managing naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) - guideline
- Open pit mining through underground workings - guideline
- Personnel access to heavy mining machinery - guideine
- Prevention of fires in underground mines - guideline
- Purchase, operation and maintenance of underground diesel engined mining equipment - guideline
- Railway vehicle drivers (loco drivers) medical fitness - guideline
- Refuge chambers in underground mines - guideline
- Risk-based health surveillance and biological monitoring - guideline
- Safety and health risk management - guideline
- Safety bund walls around abandoned open pit mines - guideline
- Safety management of underground combustible sulphide dust - guideline
- Tyre safety for earth-moving machinery on Western Australia mining operations – guideline
- Underground barring down and scaling - guideline
- Underground ventilation (metalliferrous mines) - guideline
- Vertical opening safety practice in underground mines - guideline
- Working at height in underground mines - guideline
Mining - Guidelines 2
- Draft Guidelines – Marking out for conversion applications under section 105(2) of the Mining Act 1978
- Ground control management in Western Australian mining operations - guideline
- Managing NORM 1 - Applying the system of radiation protection to mining operations - guideline
- Managing NORM 2.1 - Preparation of a radiation management plan - exploration - guideline
- Managing NORM 2.2 - Preparation of a radiation management plan - mining and processing - guideline
- Managing NORM 3.1 - Monitoring NORM - pre-operational monitoring requirements - guideline
- Managing NORM 3.2 - Monitoring NORM - operational monitoring requirements - guideline
- Managing NORM 3.3 - Monitoring NORM - air monitoring strategies - guideline
Mining - Guides and procedures
- Health surveillance guidance – Arsenic (inorganic)
- Preparation of a health and hygiene management plan - guide
- Choosing the right mental health training for your organisation - guide
- Adjustment of atmospheric contaminant exposure standards - guide
- Definitions and Coding used in Petroleum Occurrence Report Forms and Petroleum Status Report Forms - procedures
- Hazard register for all Western Australian mining fatalities from January 2000 to December 2018
- Hazard register for serious injury or other serious incidents investigations from January 2011 to December 2017
- Hazard register for Western Australian mining fatalities - guide
- How to navigate and use the hazard registers - guide
- Prospecting in Western Australia
- Petroleum Occurrence Report Forms and Petroleum Monthly Status Report Forms - guide
- Personal noise exposure recordings - procedure
- Safety Regulation System (SRS) health and hygiene code index
- Submission of a project management plan (PMP) - guide
Mining - Information sheets
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 January – 31 March 2023
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 October – 31 December 2022
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 July – 30 September 2022
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 April – 30 June 2022
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 January – 31 March 2022
- Safety and health snapshot - June 2022 - Vehicle and mobile plant rollovers
- State mining engineer advice - Commencement of WHS legislation and its effect on worker hours reporting (issued 30 March 2022)
- State mining engineer advice - WHS laws and changes to the safety regulation system (SRS) (issued 23 March 2022)
- Safety and health snapshot - February 2022 - Outbreak of Fire
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 October - 31 December 2021
- State mining engineer advice - Positive COVID-19 reporting requirements under MSIA ( issued 3 February 2022)
- Gendered violence: Notification of sexual harassment and/or assault to Mines Safety - information sheet
- Safety and health snapshot - October 2021 - Welding hazards
- Safety and health snapshot - August 2021 - Safe access to vehicles and mobile equipment
- Safety and health snapshot - March 2021 - Ground Control
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - July to September 2020
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - January to March 2020
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - April to June 2020
- Safety and health snapshot – mobile and fixed plant
- Safety and health snapshot – maintenance
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - October to December 2019
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - July to September 2019
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 July - 30 September 2019
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - April to June 2019
- Safety and health snapshot – Fall from heights
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 April- 30 June 2019
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 January - 31 March 2019
- Safety and health snapshot - Amputations, fractures and crushing (AFC) injuries
- Critical review of recent diesel exhaust exposure health impact research relevant to the underground hardrock mining industry
- A Study of Nano Diesel Particulate Matter (nDPM) Behaviour and Physico-chemical Changes in Underground Hard Rock Mines of Western Australia
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - January to March 2019
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 October - 31 December 2018
- Safety and health snapshot - Electric Shocks
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - October to December 2018
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 July - 30 September 2018
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - July to September 2018
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - November 2018 - Machinery falling into voids
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 April - 30 June 2018
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - April to June 2018
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - September 2018 - Mentally healthy workplace
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - August 2018 - Outbreak of fire
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 January - 31 March 2018
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - June 2018 - Mining operations on ports
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - January to March 2018
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - May 2018 - Welding hazards
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - April 2018 - Exploration
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 October - 31 December 2017
- 2017 Mines Safety Roadshow - event flyer
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - October to December 2017
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - July to September 2017
- Electrical log book Section 1 – entry example
- FAQs on managing safety associated with geothermal energy - information sheet
- First class mine manager’s Law Past Exam Papers
- Frequently asked questions on appointments on Western Australian mines - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on construction at mining operations - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on cracker dust - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on dogging and rigging - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on electrical appointments on Western Australian mines - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on electrical supervision in Western Australian mining operations - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on fibrous minerals in Western Australia - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on health surveillance of mine workers - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on legal professional privilege - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on management and supervision at mining operations - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on preventing and managing fatigue on Western Australian mining operations - information sheet
- Frequently asked questions on self-auditing of mining activities - information sheet
- How to create a single sign on (ex account) to use DMP systems
- How to use DMP Managed File Transfer system (MFT) to submit mine plans
- Investigating incidents - information sheet for safety and health representatives
- Key positions of responsibilities for exploration not under control of a Registered Manager - information sheet
- Mines Safety and Inspection Levy - information sheet
- Ministerial Advisory Panel on Safety Legislation Reform - Terms of reference
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - March 2018 - Integrity of structures
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - January 2018 - Line-of-fire
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - December 2017 - Hazardous manual tasks
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - November 2017 - Natural hazards
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - October 2017 - Ground control
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - September 2017 - Traffic management
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - August 2017 - Suspended loads
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - July 2017 - Blasting practices
- Mosquito-borne diseases - information sheet
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 July - 30 September 2017
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 April - 30 June 2017
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 January - 13 March 2017
- Safety and health culture spectrum - information sheet
- Safety Regulation System (SRS) injury classification code index
- SRS quick help guide to user access reviews - information sheet
- Towards 2020 Regulatory strategy - our commitments (May 2017)
- Towards 2020 Regulatory strategy - our commitments (December 2017)
- Towards best practice safety regulation - information sheet
- Transporting uranium oxide in WA - your questions answered
- Western Australian mines inspectorate boundaries by shire
Mining - Information sheets - 1
- Quarterly performance snapshot – 1 January -31 March 2022
- Safety and health snapshot - September 2022 - Electric shocks
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 October - 31 December 2021
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 July - 30 September 2021
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 July - 30 September 2021
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety 1 April - 30 June 2021
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 April – 30 June 2021
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - January to March 2021
- Activity indicators for Mines Safety - October to December 2020
- Methamphetamine in the workplace - information sheet
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 January - 31 March 2021
- Asbestos contaminated soils – information sheet
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 October - 31 December 2020
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 July - 30 September 2020
- Frequently asked questions on the workplace exposure standard for diesel particulate matter - information sheet
- Safety management of electric arc flash hazards - information sheet
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 April - 30 June 2020
- Safety and health snapshot - October 2020 - Mentally healthy workplaces
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 October - 31 December 2019
- Quarterly performance snapshot - 1 January- 31 March 2020
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - August 2020 - Integrity of structures
- Western Australian mines inspectorate boundaries by shire
- Health and hygiene management - understanding your responsibilities and regulatory requirements
- Monthly safety and health snapshot - February 2018 - Electrical hazards
Mining - Manual tasks in mining fact sheets
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 1: Terminology
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 2: Extent and cost of injuries
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 3: How injuries can happen at work
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 4: Manual tasks and the risk management process
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 5: Participative ergonomics
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 6: Whole-body vibration
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 7: Hand-arm vibration
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 8: Machinery and vehicle cab design
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 9: Safe design
- Manual tasks in mining fact sheet No 10: Occupational safety and health legislation
- Manual handling review of WA mining industry project: scoping study
Mining - MIAC meeting minutes
- 17 August 2022 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 15 June 2022 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 13 April 2022 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 9 February 2022 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 13 October 2021 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 8 December 2021 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 11 August 2021 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 9 June 2021 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 10 February 2021 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 12 August 2020 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 10 June 2020 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 8 April 2020 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 12 February 2020 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 11 December 2019 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 9 October 2019 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 14 August 2019 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 12 June 2019 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 10 April 2019 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 13 February 2019 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 6 December 2018 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) - Terms of Reference
- 11 October 2018 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 15 February 2018 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 7 December 2017 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 19 October 2017 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 17 August 2017 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 12 October 2017 - Mental Health Strategies Working Group - communique
- 27 July 2017 - Mental Health Strategies Working Group - communique
- 15 June 2017 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 29 June 2017 - Nano Diesel Particulate Matter Working Group - communique
- 23 May 2017 - Mental Health Strategies Working Group - communique
- 20 April 2017 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 23 March 2017 - Nano Diesel Particulate Matter Working Group - communique
- 16 February 2017 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 31 January 2017 - Mental Health Strategies Working Group - communique
- 12 December 2016 - Nano Diesel Particulate Matter Working Group - communique
- 8 December 2016 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 22 November 2016 - Mental Health Strategies Working Group - communique
- 4 October 2016 - Mental Health Strategies Working Group - communique
- Nano Diesel Particulate Matter Working Group - Terms of Reference
- Mental Health Strategies Working Group - Terms of Reference
- 13 October 2016 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) communique
- 11 August 2016 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 16 June 2016 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 14 April 2016 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 18 February 2016 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 26 November 2015 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 13 August 2015 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 18 June 2015 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
- 19 February 2015 - Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) meeting minutes
Mining - Mine safety matters pamphlets
- Drill rig operation - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Electricity - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Haul truck driving - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Hazardous substances - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Large working structures - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Occupational noise - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Old mine workings - pamphlet
- Open pit mining over old workings - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Prospecting in remote areas - pamphlet
- Railway crossings - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Remote bogging - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Rockfalls underground - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Travelling in remote locations - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Underground mobile equipment fires - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Vehicle and equipment access - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Welding - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Working at height - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Working in a confined space - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Working in hot processes - mine safety matters pamphlet
- Working near large mobile equipment - mine safety matters pamphlet
Mining - Mining Safety and Inspection Act pamphlets
- Duty of care - labour hire industry - MSIA pamphlet
- Elected safety and health representatives - MSIA pamphlet
- Employer-provided accommodation - MSIA pamphlet
- General duty of care - employees and employers - MSIA pamphlet
- How to establish a health and safety committee - MSIA pamphlet
- Improvement and prohibition notices - MSIA pamphlet
- Issue of provisional improvement notices by safety and health representatives - MSIA pamphlet
- Occupational Safety and Health Tribunal - MSIA pamphlet
- Penalties and enforceable undertakings - MSIA pamphlet
- The role of mines inspectors - MSIA pamphlet
Mining - Posters
- Confined space entry - poster
- Controlling diesel particulate matter in underground mines - poster
- Electing safety and health representatives (SHReps) - poster
- Emergency shower and face or eye wash requirements - poster
- Fibrous minerals management in mining - poster
- Generic health surveillance results from Western Australia - poster
- Hearing awareness (at home and at work) - poster
- How can managers and supervisors support safety and health representatives - poster
- Issuing a Provisional Improvement Notice - poster
- More noise less hearing - poster
- Occupational noise management in mining - poster
- Protect your hearing - poster
- Receiving a prohibition notice - poster
- Receiving an improvement or provisional improvement notice - poster
- Safety and health representatives are a vital link - poster
- Safety and health representatives are the key - poster
- Safety and health representatives matter! - poster
- What does a safety and health representative do - poster
- What is your hearing test telling you? - poster
- Your safety and health representatives are? (multiple, A3) - poster
- Your safety and health representatives are? (multiple A3) - poster template
- Your safety and health representative is? (single, A4) - poster
- Your safety and health representatives is? (single A4) - poster template
Mining - Product safety alerts
- State mining engineer directive – SKC Cyclones
- 3M - Versaflo Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR), TR-300 (April 2014)
- Notes to Terex Information Bulletin (May 2014)
- Ridgid - Proper use of pipe wrenches (October 2005)
- Terex Information Bulletin - Operating on side slopes (September 2007)
Mining - Reports
- Discussion Paper: Mining Development and Closure Proposals and Approvals Statements
- Response to submission - Draft Decommissioning Discussion Paper
- 2019 Registered Managers Forum report
- Vehicle collisions in the Western Australian mining industry 2015-16 - report graphs
- Vehicle collisions in the Western Australian mining industry 2015-16 - report
- 2018 Registered Managers forum report
- 2017 Registered Managers forum - Clyde and Co workshop report
- Emergency preparedness for Western Australian mines - draft code of practice: Response to public comment
- 2017 Registered Managers forum report
- 2016 Registered Managers forum report
- 2016 Mines Safety Branch resourcing and funding independent assessment report - recommendations and DMP response
- 2015 Registered Managers forum report
- Analysis of serious injury data in the Western Australian mining industry, July-December 2013
- Fatal accidents in the Western Australian mining industry 2000-2012 report
- Gender and safety in mining - workshop planner series
- Management and Supervision Workshop Report
- Review of fatal accidents on WA mines 2000-12 - what do the findings tell us? (2013)
- Safety Behaviour Survey of the WA Mining Industry 2002 - Appendices
- Safety Behaviour Survey of the WA Mining Industry 2002 - Report and Recommendations
- Toughness in the workplace - roadshow report 2011
Mining - Safety bulletins - 2014 onwards
- MSB No. 184: Workers ejected from underground work platform
- MSB No. 183: Hazard of lightning strikes on vehicles
- MSB No. 182: Competency of spotters for mobile load carrying equipment
- MSB No. 181: Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices
- MSB No. 180: Welding quality and qualifications of welders
- MSB No. 179: Adequacy of windrows (bunds) for vehicle impact
- MSB No. 178: Working on open pit walls using rope access systems
- MSB No. 177: Installation and maintenance of temporary generators
- MSB No. 176: Inspection and maintenance of accessway and platform gratings
- MSB No. 175: Integrity of equaliser cables on vehicle hoists
- MSB No. 174: High pressure water cleaning creates mists and aerosols causing Legionnaires' disease
- MSB No. 173: Inspection and maintenance of handrails
- MSB No. 172: High pressure compressor systems on drill rigs - fire and explosion hazard
- MSB No. 171: Pit wall failure management
- MSB No. 170: Braking performance of relocation systems for heavy mining
- MSB No. 169: Managing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the Western Australian mining industry
- MSB No. 168 - Safe drinking water management at mine sites
- MSB No. 167: Adequate assessment of fitness for work
- MSB No. 166: Buried electrical cables and ground excavation permit procedures
- MSB No. 165: Safe access to high voltage powerline corridors
- MSB No. 164: Wheels detaching from graders
- MSB No. 163: Reducing exposure to respirable crystalline silica (quartz)
- MSB No. 162: Inspection and maintenance of special purpose lifting plant and hoists
- MSB No. 160: Using excavators as rock breakers
- MSB No. 159: Preventing worker exposure to harmful gold room exhaust discharge
- MSB No. 158: Inspection, testing, maintenance and use of fume cupboards
- MSB No. 157: Minimising dust generation during crushing, screening and conveying
- MSB No. 156: Stench gas activation stations for underground mining operations (reissued)
- MSB No. 155: Inspecting synthetic fibre round slings
- MSB No. 154: Managing long-term exposure to carcinogenic welding fumes
- MSB No. 153: Preventing noise-induced hearing loss in WA mines
- MSB No. 152: Hazards associated with accessing unoccupied mines for recreational purposes
- MSB No. 151: Ventilation design in underground mines
- MSB No. 150: Design, modification and maintenance of local extraction ventilation systems in gold rooms
- MSB No. 149: Hazards associated with batteries
- MSB No. 147: Minimising exposure to hazardous contaminants in gold rooms
- MSB No. 146: Contact with workers or equipment by excavators
- MSB No. 145: Uncontrolled movement and derailment of fixed cranes during storm wind events
- MSB No. 144: Gas storage for automatic fire-suppression systems
- MSB No. 143: Use of an excavator bucket as a lifting point
- MSB No. 142: Ratchet vehicle support stands
- MSB No. 141: Maintenance of refuge chambers for underground mines
- MSB No. 140: Structural collapse of buildings and temporary structures during wind events
- MSB No. 139: Suicide awareness for the Western Australian resources sector
- MSB No. 138: Electrical arc flash hazards in mining
- MSB No. 137: Hazards associated with helicopter lifting operations
- MSB No. 136: Safe use of angle grinders
- MSB No. 135: Support conditions for pressure vessels
- MSB No. 134: Overloading of bridge and gantry cranes
- MSB No. 133: Unloading of poly pipe from vehicles or trailers (reissued)
Mining - Safety bulletins 2 (pre 2014)
- MSB No. 109: Management of blasting flyrock
- MSB No. 108: Testing of cranes to address the potential for uncontrolled descent of load during power failure
- MSB No. 107: Unwanted interactions between loading and clean-up equipment
- MSB No. 106: Loss of control of service vehicles on declines in underground mines
- MSB No. 105: Under-design of bridge and gantry crane end connections
- MSB No. 104: Use of personal protective equipment for high voltage (HV) switching
- MSB No. 103: Failure of maintenance jacking points on stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders during replacement of slew bearings
- MSB No. 102: Addressing the potential for mobile (pick-and-carry) cranes to topple sideways
- MSB No. 101: Trucks moving off while fitters working underneath
- MSB No. 100: Safe use of flammable refrigerants
- MSB No. 099: Scaffold tubing - falling objects hazard
- MSB No. 098: Serious crush injuries from pedal-controlled skid steer equipment
- MSB No. 097: Earthing of ANFO loaders used underground (re-issued)
- MSB No. 096: Conveyor guarding (re-issued)
- MSB No. 095: Ventilation standards in underground mines
- MSB No. 094: Use of contact cleaning agents
- MSB No. 093: Lowering and raising of bottom guards on dozers - fatal accidents
- MSB No. 092: Condensation-induced water hammer events - potential consequences
- MSB No. 091: Use of wooden blocks to support earthmoving equipment
- MSB No. 090: Total fire bans and implications for mining
- MSB No. 089: Earth-moving equipment tyres and use of tyre handling machinery
- MSB No. 088: Electric shocks from welding equipment
- MSB No. 087: Excavating near cables buried in the ground
- MSB No. 086: Death of an airleg miner in a rockfall - Coroner’s comment and recommendation
- MSB No. 085: Mobile equipment contact with high-voltage overhead powerlines
- MSB No. 084: Failure of light vehicle steering box shaft
- MSB No. 082: Emergency Management Act 2005
- MSB No. 081: Unattended vehicles rolling away
- MSB No. 080: Asbestos - imported gaskets containing asbestos
- MSB No. 079: Cyclone emergency preparation, planning, preparedness
- MSB No. 078: Explosive mortar devices for bringing down hang-ups
- MSB No. 077: Use of telehandlers
- MSB No. 076: Use of explosive mortar devices
- MSB No. 075: Fire and explosion in a working party magazine
- MSB No. 074: Explosive gases associated with mining
- MSB No. 073: Loss of control on highway-type vehicles
- MSB No. 072: Loss of control LME on gradients
- MSB No. 071: Booster compressor explosions - RC drilling
- MSB No. 070: Franna mobile cranes - uncontrolled movement
- MSB No. 069: Slope stability in open cut operations
- MSB No. 068: Death of dozer driver - coronial finding
- MSB No. 067: Open pit scaling
- MSB No. 065: Design and operation of dredges on ponds
- MSB No. 064: Safety issues associated with hydraulic backfill
- MSB No. 063: Dozer safety in open cut operations
- MSB No. 062: Hazards of collapsing ground in mining operations
- MSB No. 061: Precautions for the use of the gig rising
- MSB No. 060: Lightning strikes - managing the risks
- MSB No. 058: Struck by ventilation doors - blast results in death
- MSB No. 057: Mine surveying - risks and loss
- MSB No. 056: Mining industry electrical accidents
- MSB No. 055: Potential hazards associated with mine fill
- MSB No. 054: Blast initiation with safety fuse
- MSB No. 053: Particulate emissions low sulphur diesel and health
- MSB No. 052: Operation of water trucks in open pit mines (quarries)
- MSB No. 051: Overhead powerlines
Mining - Safety bulletins 1 (pre 2014)
- MSB No. 050: Crushed by mesh sheets - fatal accident
- MSB No. 049: Use of compressed air for cleaning purposes
- MSB No. 048: Unloading service vehicles on minesites
- MSB No. 047: Rockfall - potential serious injury
- MSB No. 046: Lightning - hazards and safeguards
- MSB No. 045: Two post vehicle hoists - unsuitable vehicles to lift
- MSB No. 044: Radio-frequency energy - hazards and safeguards
- MSB No. 043: Structural safety of buildings and plant
- MSB No. 041: Death of mine surveyor in rockfall
- MSB No. 040: Induction training and assessment - competency
- MSB No. 039: Vertical opening development in underground mines
- MSB No. 038: Use remote control mobile plant in underground mines
- MSB No. 037: Shiftwork and rostering practices
- MSB No. 036: Split rim wheel and tyre assembly
- MSB No. 035: Underground rockfalls - geotechnical considerations
- MSB No. 034: Retrofitting ROPS to mobile mine equipment - Reg 4.15
- MSB No. 033: Seatbelts and anchorages for vehicles on mines
- MSB No. 032: Millennium bug - safety and health implications
- MSB No. 031: Accident and incident performance - drilling industry
- MSB No. 030: Ingress of water into electrical equipment
- MSB No. 029: Rock stress factors in mine design and operation
- MSB No. 028: Rollover protection - surface earth moving machinery
- MSB No. 027: Diamond drillers intersecting hazardous gases
- MSB No. 026: Service pipe ranges
- MSB No. 025: Rockbolt failures underground
- MSB No. 023: Manual metal arc welding - electrical safety
- MSB No. 022: Access ladderways
- MSB No. 021: Surface drill rigs - protection from rotating parts
- MSB No. 020: Restraints in heavy earthmoving equipment
- MSB No. 019: Scaling and rockbolting
- MSB No. 018: Operating Practice with drill jumbos
- MSB No. 016: Hazard - inert gases in mining industrial processes
- MSB No. 015: Re-entry after blasting
- MSB No. 014: Ground support in underground mines
- MSB No. 013: Injuries through opening enclosed systems
- MSB No. 012: Effects of tiredness drugs and alcohol
- MSB No. 011: Forklifts - access ramps to road haulage trucks
- MSB No. 010: Fires on light 4wd vehicles
- MSB No. 009: Off-highway mobile earth moving equipment (tyres)
- MSB No. 008: Recharging of fixed fire suppression systems
- MSB No. 006: Formation of hydrogen gas from silicon metal
- MSB No. 005: Annual road closures on mining tenements
- MSB No. 003: Vertical opening safety practice
- MSB No. 002: Emergency stops and PLCs
- MSB No. 001: Sulphide dust explosion hazard
Mining - Safety statistics - Annual posters
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2020-21 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2019-20 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2018-19 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2017-18 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2016-17 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2015-16 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2014-15 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2013-14 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2000-01 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2001-02 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2002-03 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2003-04 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2004-05 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2005-06 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2006-07 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2007-08 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2008-09 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2009-10 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2010-11 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2011-12 - poster
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2012-13 - poster
Mining - Safety statistics - Annual reports
- Safety performance in the Western Australia mineral industry 2020-2021 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australia mineral industry 2019-2020 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australia mineral industry 2018-2019 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2017-2018 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2016-2017 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2015-2016 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2014-2015 – report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2013-2014 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2012-2013 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2011-2012 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2010-2011 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2009-2010 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2008-2009 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2007-2008 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2006-2007 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2005-06 - explanatory notes
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2005-06 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2004-05 - explanatory notes
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2004-05 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2003-04 - explanatory notes
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2003-04 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2002-03 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2001-02 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2000-01 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 1999-2000 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 1998-1999 - report
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 1997-1998 - report
Mining - significant incident reports 6
- SIR No.289: Damaged excavator recoil spring fragment became a projectile
- SIR No. 288: Off-highway haul truck tyre blowout in workshop injures workers
- SIR No. 287: Crush injuries sustained during maintenance activities
- SIR No. 286: Near miss following unplanned movement of autonomous haul trucks during recovery operations
- SIR No. 285: Near miss when an excavator fell from crane during lifting operation
- SIR No. 284: Service mechanic sustained serious hand injuries when struck by radiator fan blades on a generator
- SIR No. 283: Manned loader falls into open stope – fatal accident
- SIR No. 282: Fall of ground in a development heading resulting in serious injury
- SIR No. 281: Underground mine workers tipped out of work basket used with integrated tool carrier
- SIR No. 280: Bulldozer operator crushed between ladder and handrail – significant injuries
- SIR No. 279: Paste wall failure
- SIR No. 278 Trailer tarpaulin cover mechanism fracture – fatal accident
- SIR No. 277: Haul truck over open pit wall edge - fatal accident
- SIR No. 276: Fall from height after failure of retractable type lanyard
- SIR No. 275: Electrician received 1000V electric shock and burns
- SIR No. 274: Structural failure of fixed conveyor stacker
- SIR No. 273: Near miss when a failed rod ejected from a hydraulic pulling kit
- SIR No. 272: Sinkhole in open pit floor engulfs mine vehicles after collapse of backfilled stope
- SIR No. 271: Near miss when latch fails and gate swings open on a haul truck
- SIR No. 270: Operator trapped between elevated work platform (EWP) and overhead structure
- SIR No. 269: Structural failure of a corrugated steel water tank
- SIR No. 268: Near miss when accumulator components are ejected from a haul truck
- SIR No. 267: Haul truck operator loses control descending ramp on haul road - fatal accident
- SIR No. 266: Underground operator struck on the head by a high pressure air line
- SIR No. 265: Manned loader falling into an open stope
- SIR No. 264: Solvent vapour explosion during engine maintenance task
- SIR No. 263: Asbestos-containing material (ACM) disturbed in power transformer
- SIR No. 262: Integrated tool carrier tips over underground
- SIR No. 261: Face shovel operator crushed between ladder and handrail - fatal accident
- SIR No. 260: Autonomous truck significantly damaged by lightning strike
- SIR No. 259: Electrician injured by arc flash in low voltage switchboard
- SIR No. 257: Field technician collapses during exploration activities - fatal accident
- SIR No. 256: Process tank roof bursts due to uncontrolled reaction
- SIR No. 255: Telehandler rollover during a lift
- SIR No. 254: Uncontrolled release of energy during removal of luffing cylinder pin
- SIR No. 253: Injured worker not discovered and treated for extended period
- SIR No. 252: Fitter struck in chest by packing plate released under pressure
- SIR No. 251: Worker seriously injured while operating a block-making machine
Mining - Significant incident reports 5
- SIR No. 258: Dinghy capsizes in dredge pond after entanglement
- SIR No. 250: Unexpected initiation of detonator and detonating cord
- SIR No. 249: Drill offsider run over by tracked vehicle
- SIR No. 248: Worker seriously injured when caught in moving conveyor
- SIR No. 245: Worker injured by low-voltage switchboard arc flash
- SIR No. 246: Fall from height during helicopter lifting operations
- SIR No. 244: Failed gantry bridge crushes boilermaker working in thickener tank - fatal accident
- SIR No. 242: Tyre fitter's fingers crushed while operating hydraulic bead breaker
- SIR No. 241: Underground worker crushed between integrated tool carrier (IT) work basket and roof of excavation (backs)
- SIR No. 240: Haul truck collides with grader on active dump
- SIR No. 239: Low-voltage arc flash during switching operation
- SIR No. 238: Mobile plant interaction results in crush injuries
- SIR No. 237: Failure of crane head sheave
- SIR No. 236: Near miss when a pick-and-carry crane rolls over
- SIR No. 235: Scaffolder falls from height in a process vessel at a refinery - fatal accident
- SIR No. 234: Light vehicle driven partly over edge of open stope
- SIR No. 233: Worker seriously injured by hot caustic solution while cleaning an inline strainer
- SIR No. 223: Worker stung by swarm of bees during rehabilitation operations
- SIR No. 224: Underground workers injured by arc flash and blast from a MCC
- SIR No. 225: Worker seriously injured by moving parts in a modified stemming bucket
- SIR No. 226: Collision between an autonomous haul truck and manned water cart
- SIR No. 227: Grid mesh falls from drill mast
- SIR No. 228: Seriously injured when sprayed by anhydrous ammonia after failure of flexible rubber hose
- SIR No. 232: Underground operator collapses underground – fatal accident
- SIR No. 231: Falling rock damages tele-handler leading to serious injuries
- SIR No. 230: Dump truck roll-over - fatal accident
- SIR No. 229: Worker injured using high-pressure water jetting equipment
- SIR No. 222: Worker seriously injured by falling jib attachment on integrated tool carrier (IT)
- SIR No. 221: Operator struck by rolling rock at stope draw point - fatal accident
- SIR No. 220: Driver seriously injured when crushed between prime mover and loader
- SIR No. 219: Delayed detonation of explosives in a blast hole during post-blast inspection by shotfirers
- SIR No. 218: Horseplay at a mining operation results in a serious injury
- SIR No. 217: Underground worker crushed between charge-up basket and roof - fatal accident
- SIR No. 216: Fire in processing plant laboratory
- SIR No. 215: Overloaded stemming truck rolls over
- SIR No. 214: Haul truck collides with light vehicle in a designated controlled area
- SIR No. 213: Maintenance worker pinned by bulldozer belly plate - fatal accident
- SIR No. 212: Fall from height at mobile screening plant
- SIR No. 211: Freight truck driver injured in fall from trailer
- SIR No. 210: Electrician crushed between lift car and lift shaft structure - fatal accident
- SIR No. 209: Potential signal tube detonator explosion (snap, slap and shoot) during charge-up
- SIR No. 208: Bystander struck by component ejected from accumulator
- SIR No. 207: Potential for serious injury from uncontrolled rotation of rotary kiln dryer
- SIR No. 206: Forklift struck by truck while unloading
- SIR No. 205: Worker injured by moving parts on automatic rotary sample collector
- SIR No. 204: Worker seriously injured by moving parts
- SIR No. 203: Operator crushed by mast of forklift truck - fatal accident
- SIR No. 202: Fall from crane deck results in serious injury
- SIR No. 201: Loss of control following failure of steering tie rod coupling on EWP
Mining - Significant incident reports 4
- SIR No. 200: Fall of ground in underground mine - fatal accident
- SIR No. 199: Manned loader drives into open stope - fatal accident
- SIR No. 198: Large boulder falls onto active haul road
- SIR No. 197: Dozer loading leads to prime mover jack-knife and fuel tank rupture
- SIR No. 196: Front tyres of light vehicle over open edge
- SIR No. 195: Serious injuries sustained during wheel retraction of hydraulically extendable low loader dolly
- SIR No. 194: Crush injuries sustained from working with a suspended load - fatal accident
- SIR No. 193: Crush injuries sustained from movement of tailings pipe - fatal accident
- SIR No. 192: Short circuit fault in a variable speed drive results in fire, arcing and equipment damage
- SIR No. 191: Serious high voltage (HV) arc flash incident results in equipment damage
- SIR No. 190: Serious high voltage (HV) arc flash incident results in injuries
- SIR No. 189: Toppled underground drill rig seriously injures worker
- SIR No. 188: Light vehicle struck by underground truck in decline
- SIR No. 187: Serious crush injuries caused by falling ball-mill liner plate
- SIR No. 186: Crush injuries sustained around moving machinery - fatal accident
- SIR No. 185: Serious entanglement injury sustained during calibration of conveyor belt weightometer)
- SIR No. 184: Shiploader rail clamps fail after original parts modified in unsuccessful attempt to overcome problem of rail misalignment
- SIR No. 183: Loss of brakes on dump truck
- SIR No. 182: Whirlwind carries transportable ablution block 50 metres
- SIR No. 181: Hydraulic hose failure leads to dump truck fire
- SIR No. 180: Combination extendable spreader and lifting beam fails during lifting
- SIR No. 179: Serious crush injuries caused by falling mesh sheets
- SIR No. 178: Water cart loss of control at portal - inadvertent access to underground
- SIR No. 177: Burns from hydrocarbon gas fire in truck air conditioning system
- SIR No. 176: Light vehicle collides with stationary loader
- SIR No. 175: Tyre handler's fall-back arms become projectiles
- SIR No. 174: Mechanical scaling ignites flammable gas underground
- SIR No. 173: Employee burnt while setting up fire scenario for emergency response training
- SIR No. 172: Runaway underground charge-up vehicle after brakes malfunction
- SIR No. 171: Fall from cantilevered scaffold platform - fatal accident
- SIR No. 170: Gold room explosion - integrated pressure strip electrowinning (IPSE) circuit failure
- SIR No. 169: Suspension component ejected under high pressure during maintenance - fatal accident
- SIR No. 168: Pressure release blows blanking plate off dozer tilt cylinder
- SIR No. 167: Failure of the rope guide on a Demag overhead travelling crane
- SIR No. 166: Fall from height in a process vessel - fatal accident
- SIR No. 165: Sudden depressurisation of an ANFO charge-up kettle
- SIR No. 164: Fall from height in an ore pass - fatal accident
- SIR No. 163: Exploration employee lost in remote bush
- SIR No. 162: Fitter struck by roller shutter support bracket
- SIR No. 161: Struck by moving train - fatal accident
- SIR No. 160: Maintenance personnel crushed by excavator counterweight
- SIR No. 159: Fall through grid mesh floor - fatal accident
- SIR No. 158: Fall from work basket in an underground decline
- SIR No. 157: Work platform struck by skip and dislodged into shaft
- SIR No. 156: Detonation of misfired explosive during bogging operation
- SIR No. 155: Rock fall during support cycle in a high heading development - fatal accident
- SIR No. 154: Heavy wire lifting slings fell from crane hook - employees injured
- SIR No. 153: Truck driver fell from deck of Caterpillar 777D haul truck
- SIR No. 152: Haul truck and light vehicle collision
- SIR No. 151: Crushed in a pinch point of fixed elevating work platform (EWP) - fatal accident
Mining - Significant incident reports 3
- SIR No. 150: Failure of escape ladderway in underground rise
- SIR No. 149: Loader falling into an open stope
- SIR No. 148: Tropical Cyclone George
- SIR No. 147: Fire and entrapment hazard on mobile plant (salt harvester)
- SIR No. 146: Hazard posed by cyclone draw in RC drilling
- SIR No. 145: Driller’s offsider struck by dust deflector box
- SIR No. 144: Roll-over of front-end loader
- SIR No. 143: Use of dozers for tree clearing operations
- SIR No. 142: Explosion of flammable containers at hot demo site
- SIR No. 141: Rockfall fatality
- SIR No. 140: Service truck tyre failure
- SIR No. 139: Loss of control of service vehicles
- SIR No. 138: Paste fill wall failure
- SIR No. 137: Emergency response members struck by falling cylinder
- SIR No. 136: Caught between headboards of two trucks - fatal
- SIR No. 135: Aluminium drill rod failure
- SIR No. 134: Detonator found inside ANFO loader
- SIR No. 133: Use of torque multiplier - fatal accident
- SIR No. 132: Mine haul truck runs over a light vehicle following a driver change
- SIR No. 131: Drill rig fire - self-rescuer failed
- SIR No. 130: Employee sprayed with rocks when a truck tyre failed
- SIR No. 129: Derailment and fall of overhead crane
- SIR No. 128: Steering failures on haul trucks
- SIR No. 127: Operator tipped out of elevated work platform
- SIR No. 126: Accidental initiation of explosives during blasting
- SIR No. 125: Transport of explosives underground - vehicle incident
- SIR No. 124: Tyre inflation - fatal accident
- SIR No. 123: RTA at intersection of mine road and bush track
- SIR No. 122: Dumptruck tyre failure
- SIR No. 121: Haul road stability in open-cut operations
- SIR No. 120: Contamination of high pressure compressed air - plant
- SIR No. 119: Drillers offsider blasted with dust under pressure
- SIR No. 118: Grader incident - loss of control
- SIR No. 117: Underground electrical equipment - fatal accident
- SIR No. 116: Operator safety - earthmoving scrapers
- SIR No. 115: Tyre rolling down a ramp
- SIR No. 114: Wrong gas used during gas purge resulted in burns
- SIR No. 113: Drillers offsider struck by stillson type wrench
- SIR No. 112: Loading service vehicle onto trailer
- SIR No. 111: Mine rescue team members collapse during exercise
- SIR No. 110: Vehicle over stope edge
- SIR No. 109: Fitting of tile boxes on drilling rigs
- SIR No. 108: Detonation of misfire in pit floor
- SIR No. 107: Multiple fuming and gas explosion
- SIR No. 106: Operator trapped by suction hose
- SIR No. 105: Failure of a galvanised grade 80 chain sling
- SIR No. 104: Dislodgement of a crane load above a person
- SIR No. 103: Hazards associated with dehydration
- SIR No. 102: Fatal methane gas explosion - South Africa
- SIR No. 101: Lime tanker pressure piping connection failure
Mining - Significant incident reports 2
- SIR No. 100: Pressure vessel entry - scalding injury
- SIR No. 099: Remotely operated LHD - runaway
- SIR No. 098: Jumbo drilling rig fire - underground fire
- SIR No. 097: Radio-operated crane - uncontrolled movement
- SIR No. 096: Remotely operated LHD - brake failure
- SIR No. 095: Death of exploration worker
- SIR No. 093: Ventilation doors - fatal accident
- SIR No. 092: RC drill rig 3” sample hose connection - serious accident
- SIR No. 091: Fall of material - fatal accident
- SIR No. 090: Remotely operated machinery - rockfall - fatal
- SIR No. 089: Remotely operated LHD machine - fatal accident
- SIR No. 088: Remotely operated LHD - dangerous occurrences
- SIR No. 087: Drill rod handling - serious incident
- SIR No. 086: Structural failures of large span gantry crane
- SIR No. 085: Explosion of flammable gas in underground stope void
- SIR No. 084: Loss of control of water cart - fatal accident
- SIR No. 083: Explosion of split-ring tyre assemblies
- SIR No. 082: Crushed in articulation point of LHD
- SIR No. 081: Serious burns involving disposable overalls
- SIR No. 080: Overheating radiator - burn injury
- SIR No. 079: Exploration drill hole intersection
- SIR No. 078: Blasting accidents
- SIR No. 077: Hazardous drill hole intersection
- SIR No. 076: Stormwater inflow into decline mine
- SIR No. 075: Explosion in underground magazine
- SIR No. 074: Driver killed in tractor rollover
- SIR No. 073: Conveyor belt failure
- SIR No. 072: Split wheel rim - fatal accident
- SIR No. 071: Sudden collapse of ground - sinkhole formation
- SIR No. 070: Thermal lancing of crusher concaves - serious accident
- SIR No. 069: Anfo mixing vehicle fire
- SIR No. 068: Electrical test instrument - serious accident
- SIR No. 067: High voltage circuit switched to earth
- SIR No. 066: Structural failure of bucketwheel reclaimer - fatal
- SIR No. 065: Children exposed to hazards at unattended mine
- SIR No. 064: Fire on front end loader
- SIR No. 063: Remotely operated underground LHD - near miss
- SIR No. 062: Anchorage of underground scraper hoists
- SIR No. 061: Caught in a rotating drill rod - fatal accident
- SIR No. 060: Uncontrolled movement of elevated work platform
- SIR No. 059: Offloading unpalleted articles
- SIR No. 058: Removal of a rise ladder - fatal accident
- SIR No. 057: Remotely operated mobile machine - fatal accident
- SIR No. 056: Uncontrolled discharge of stored energy source - fatal
- SIR No. 055: Conveyor belt - fatal accident
- SIR No. 054: Structural collapse of an iron ore stacker
- SIR No. 053: Elevated work platform - falling
- SIR No. 052: Rope power shovel maintenance - fatal accident
- SIR No. 051: Failure of mast supports on drill rigs
Mining - Significant incident reports 1
- SIR No. 050: Trailing cable coupler - electrical accident
- SIR No. 049: Hazard alert - auger mixers
- SIR No. 048 EWP users tipped from basket
- SIR No. 047: Injuries sustained while working on drilling mast
- SIR No. 046: Contact with overhead powerline - fatal accident
- SIR No. 045: Fatal agricultural traffic accident in quarry
- SIR No. 044: Rockfall - fatal accident
- SIR No. 043: Remote control loader fire in an open stope
- SIR No. 042: Remotely operated machinery - fatal accident
- SIR No. 041: Haul truck rear wheel falls off
- SIR No. 040: Near-miss underground blasting incident
- SIR No. 039: Uncontrolled movement of cherry pickers
- SIR No. 038: Uncontrolled movement of mobile unit
- SIR No. 037: Lead-acid battery explodes
- SIR No. 036: Injury sustained whilst working on drilling mast
- SIR No. 035: Safe welding practice
- SIR No. 034: Underground vehicle fire
- SIR No. 033: Passenger lift - a serious accident
- SIR No. 032: Storage tank explosion
- SIR No. 031: Hot oil boiler - potential explosion
- SIR No. 030: Elevating platform operation - serious injury
- SIR No. 029: Stope draw-point (Mill Hole) - fatal accident
- SIR No. 028: Mud rush - fatal accident
- SIR No. 027: Shrink stope - fatal accident
- SIR No. 026: Truck toppled over edge of stockpile
- SIR No. 025: Buried electrical cable - fatal accident
- SIR No. 024: Crane dogman survives shock from 22Kv transformer
- SIR No. 023: Underground fires
- SIR No. 022: Winding rope detachment
- SIR No. 021: Operator safety - earthmoving scrapers
- SIR No. 020: Drilling rig fire
- SIR No. 019: Explosion of drill steel subject to high temperature
- SIR No. 018: High pressure water jetting
- SIR No. 017: Caught by rock drill
- SIR No. 016: Substation transformer explosion
- SIR No. 015: Haul truck tyre explosion
- SIR No. 014: Electric shock involving P and H shovel
- SIR No. 013: Tramp metal fired from jaw crusher
- SIR No. 012: Slope failure - open pit mine
- SIR No. 011: EMU mine disaster
- SIR No. 010: Cyanide poisoning
- SIR No. 009: Gold room explosion - molten metal burns
- SIR No. 008: Rock bolting underground - fatal accident
- SIR No. 007: Chemical handling - caustic burn
- SIR No. 006: Safe use of radiation gauges
- SIR No. 005: Split ring tyre assembly explosion - fatal
- SIR No. 004: Welding equipment electrocution - fatal accident
- SIR No. 003: Compressed air hose connection - fatal accident
- SIR No. 002: Conveyor belt - fatal accident
- SIR No. 001: Pressurised gearbox explosion
Mining - Templates and checklists
- Health and hygiene management plan - Levy exempt mines – template
- Electrical supervisors’ competency - checklist
- Checklist for submission of a project management plan (PMP) - template
- Hydraulic/paste fill incident or barricade failure occurrence - template
- Investigation matrix – template
- Mining blast plan - open pit operations - template
- Mining blast plan - secondary blasting operations - template
- Mining blast plan - underground development operations - template
- Mining blast plan - underground stoping operations - template
- Positive safety culture - pamphlet
- Seismic event and/or fall of ground (FOG) occurrence - template
- Site checklist for the prevention of bullying - template
- Small mine checklist - template
Mining - Toolbox presentations 1
- Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA -part B (2019)
- Best practice: drilling safety basics - an industry perspective (2019)
- Significant incident report case study and workshop (2019)
- Setting the scene: Duties of care and expectations from the inspectorate (2019)
- Asbestos in the built environment (2019)
- Investigations in serious and fatal accidents (2018)
- Shaping and sharing the future (2018)
- Emergency management of WA mines - code of practice (2018)
- Developing mentally healthy and safe workplaces (2018)
- Safety and health representatives: a supervisor’s perspective (2018)
- A day in the life of a safety and health representative (2018)
- What is the state-of-play for safety performance in WA? (2018)
- Dangerous goods in mining sector (2017)
- Traffic Management - Safe People (2017)
- Traffic Management - Safe Vehicles (2017)
- Traffic Management - Safe Systems (2017)
- Troubling trends and how to tackle them (2017)
- Working at Heights - fall restraint and fall arrest systems (2017)
- Investigation learnings for managers and supervisors (2017)
- Risk assessment prior to commencing the work (2017)
- Maintenance Shutdown Safety (2017)
- Preventing access to dangerous moving parts and machinery (2017)
- Arc Flash Awareness (2017)
- What are the key factors supporting mental wellbeing? (2016)
- What are the consequences of getting caught, trapped or crushed? (2016)
- State-of-play for safety performance in WA (2016)
- How can a company's safety culture play a role in safety outcomes? (2016)
- Why is falling from height a problem? (2015)
- Recurring events (2015)
- State-of-play for safety regulation in WA (2015)
- What’s happening in industry? (2015)
- Structural integrity forum - The issues (2015)
- Structural integrity forum - Practical applications and survey (2015)
- Structural integrity forum - Legislative requirements (2015)
- Structural integrity forum - What is your responsibility (2015)
- Safe drilling: The journey (part 2) The present (2015)
- Safe drilling: The journey (part 3) The future (2015)
- Safe drilling: The journey (part 1) The past (2015)
- Management plans for occupational health and hygiene during mineral exploration (2015)
- Programme of work (PoW) applications (2015)
- The approvals process: Reducing red tape (2015)
- Mining Rehabilitation Fund (2015)
- Introduction to mining radiation in Western Australia (2015)
- Exploration safety issues in Western Australia (2009)
- Industry performance and issues of concern - exploration (2011)
- Electrical safety in mining (2005)
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2010-11 (2013)
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2009-10 (2011)
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2008-09 (2010)
- Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2007-08 (2009)
Mining - Toolbox presentations 2
- Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA - part A (2019)
- Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA -part B (2019)
- What the data tells us about silica (2019)
- Trends, trouble spots and success stories: noise (2019)
- Trends, trouble spots and success stories: asbestos and other fibrous minerals (2019)
- Health and hygiene: Introduction and setting the scene (2019)
- History of health surveillance and monitoring (2019)
- Health and hygiene management plans (HHMPs) - the hows and whys (2019)
- Developing mentally healthy workplaces - what do they look like? (2019)
- Addressing construction and maintenance issues (2012)
- Applying a Human Factors lens to vehicle interactions (2017)
- Appropriate risk management strategies - mobile equipment (2014)
- Arc welding hazards and safeguards - electrical (2008)
- Arc welding hazards and safeguards - fumes and gases (2008)
- Assessing the risk within the task (2014)
- Benefits of good self-regulation (2012)
- Biological monitoring - assessing exposure to hazardous substances (2007)
- Considering human factors in practice (2017)
- Crane incidents in Western Australia - recent learnings (2014)
- Crane registrations in Western Australia - common non-compliances (2014)
- Crane registrations in Western Australia - the state-of-play and verification (2014)
- DMP’s Top 11 human and organisational factors (2017)
- Dangerous goods in processing operations (2009)
- Developing resilient safety and health cultures (2011)
- Duty of care applied to mineral exploration (2008)
- Duty of care under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 (2008)
- Electrical hazard awareness (2012)
- Exploration safety performance 2012-13 (2013)
- Fatigue, shift structures and working hours (2013)
- Fibrous minerals and dust - managing the risks: Part 1 (2010)
- Fibrous minerals and dust - managing the risks: Part 2 (2010)
- Health and Hygiene Sampling Safety Regulation System (2017)
- Human and organisational factors - a regulator's perspective (NSW) (2017)
- Human and organisational factors in oil and gas (2017)
- How can we stop noise damaging hearing (2008)
- Occupational noise in the WA mining industry (2007)
- Provision of personal protective equipment to labour hire workers (2006)
- Radiation safety - Part 1: Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) (2009)
- Radiation safety - Part 2: Managing the risks (2009)
- Radiation safety - naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and managing the risks (2009)
- Safety Regulation System (SRS) mine safety information session (2016)
- Hazard identification - what to look for (2008)
- Heat stress (2009)
- High risk work (2013)
- Importance of auditing (2014)
- Improving hazard awareness - lifting the game (2014)
- Is safety performance improving? (2012)
- Management and supervision of exploration sites (2012)
- Managing fibrous minerals during exploration (2013)
- Managing noise in Western Australian mines (2015)
Mining - Toolbox presentations 3
- Investigations - are we learning? (2019)
- Mentally healthy workplaces - it's about safety too (2019)
- The power of hazard identification (2019)
- Muffling the myths about noise (2019)
- Safety performance state-of-play (2019)
- Where are we going? Regulating the mining industry in the future
- Tailings storage facilities, pit wall failures and sink holes
- Safety Regulation System Business Intelligence update
- Setting the scene: Registered Managers forum 2019
- Critical review of recent diesel exhaust exposure health impact research relevant to the underground hardrock mining industry (2019)
- Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA - part A (2019)
- Exposure to nDPM and health impacts in underground hard rock miners in WA (2019)
- Exploration safety – Setting the scene with the Regional Inspector(2018)
- Exploration safety – exploration transition to mining operation (2018)
- Exploration safety – Emergency management in exploration – an operational imperative(2018)
- Emergency Management – Common emergency management systems: an operational imperative (2017)
- Emergency Management – Western Australian mines: code of practice and emergency preparedness audit (2017)
- Emergency Management – Dangerous goods and emergency response (2017)
- Emergency Services, the BARRIO system (2017)
- Mining Emergency Response Competition – Not just a competition (2017)
- Lithium Awareness information session (2018)
- Line of fire hazard recognition (2018)